Become an Editor
Independent, free blogging platform committed to delivering in-depth, accurate posts and updates.
Hidden Thinker provides you with a free advertising service. Here you can post your product’s related information at no cost. Also if you are interested in writing a blog to explore knowledge with the community your can create your editor account and share unlimited knowledge.
Several actions that must be taken in order to advertise
1. The title should be brief and appealing.
2. The new blog must have at least 600 characters.
3. Sexual or vulgar blogs are strictly forbidden
4. The image format should be jpg or png and the file size should be less than 400kb.
5. Only URLs that are more specific are permitted as hyperlinks
6. The information presented must be suitable
7. Avoid spreading false information.
Note: If the administrator discovers any inappropriate content, they have the power to delete the entire blog or an individual content.